Connecting Slack

Here’s a detailed instruction on how to connect Slack to Quidget:

  1. Open Slack API website and log in or create a new account for your Slack bot

  1. Click on “Your apps” in the header

  1. Click on “Create an App”

  1. Choose the option “From scratch”

  1. Create a Name for your app
  2. Pick a workspace to develop your app

  1. Click “Create App”

  1. In Basic Information, on the sidebar menu, click on “Permissions” in the “Add features and functionality” section roll-up

  1. Scroll down to “Scopes” and add the following scopes to “Bot Token Scopes” using the “Add an OAuth Scope” (11) button app_mentions:read
    • chat:write
    • commands
    • files:read
    • files:write
    • im:history
    • im:read
    • im:write
    • reactions:read
    • reactions:write
    • users.profile:read
    • users:read
  2. Also add the following scopes to “User Token Scopes” using the “Add an OAuth Scope” (11) button
    • im:history
    • im:read
    • im:write

  1. Go to OAuth & Permissions on the sidebar menu, and click on the “Install to Workspace” button

  1. On the page that opens, grant all necessary permissions by clicking the “Allow” button

  1. Copy the Bot User OAuth Token and paste it to the corresponding field on the Quidget integration interface

  1. Copy the Signing Secret from the “App Credentials” (in Basic Information, on the sidebar menu) and paste it to the corresponding field on the Quidget integration interface

  1. Fill the rest of the bot integration fields with the data, acquired on the previous steps

  1. Copy the Webhook URL of the Slack integration

  1. Go to the Interactivity & Shortcuts section on the sidebar menu
  2. Turn “Interactivity” On
  3. In the Request URL field, paste a copied Webhook URL from the Quidget integration interface
  4. Click on “Save Changes”

  1. Go to the Event Subscriptions section on the sidebar menu
  2. Turn “Enable Events” On
  3. In the Request URL field, paste a copied Webhook URL from the Quidget integration interface

  1. Scroll down to “Subscribe to bot events” and add the following events using the “Add Bot User Event” (26) button

    • member_left_channel
    • reaction_added
    • reaction_removed
  2. Use the “Add Bot User Event” button to add the following events

  3. Click on “Save Changes”

  1. Go to the Basic Information section on the sidebar menu and click on the “Reinstall to Workspace” button

  1. On the page that opens, grant all necessary permissions by clicking the “Allow” button

  1. Go to the App Home section on the sidebar menu, scroll down to the “Show Tabs” section, and activate the “Allow users to send Slash commands and messages from the messages tab” checkbox