How to add Quidget to your website


Integrate Quidget’s AI-powered Web Chat on your website to offer instant support, improving visitor engagement and experience.

Copy your Quidget code

Log in to your Quidget account and go to Test & Install. Copy the installation code provided.

Adding Quidget to your website

  1. Open your website's HTML
    Locate the HTML file where you want to add the chatbot.

  2. Insert the code
    Paste the copied Quidget code just before the closing </body> tag.

  3. Save and publish your site
    Save the changes and publish your site to make the chatbot live.

Disabling the chatbot

  1. Go to the Test & Install page in Quidget’s sidebar.
  2. Toggle the switch above the chat preview to off to temporarily disable the chatbot.