Release notes for November 2023
Here's what's new in Quidget:
- Added Markdown for Live Chat and documentation.
- Fixed Live Chat errors for mobile devices.
- Added Live Chat color inversion. Now, when choosing dark or light shades of color, your text will always be visible.
- The view of Live Chat has been increased to display more information and improve convenience of use.
- The appearance of the Flow builder has been changed.
- Phone number formatting was updated to exclude special characters.
- An action listener feature was introduced to the system.
- Critical alerts were moved to Sentry for enhanced monitoring.
- Logging events were updated for improved monitoring capabilities.
- Elastic search functionalities were expanded by adding pages and tags.
- A typing and preview chat button was added to the flow builder.
- Elastic/Kibana was updated to the latest version in docker-compose.yml.
- Fixes and updates were made in the documentation.
- Scenarios for ending conversations were managed in the support functionality.
- Minor issues within the application were resolved.
- Scroll issues in the flow builder were corrected.