Release notes for January 2024

Here's what's new in Quidget

  1. Landing page has been completely updated.
  2. Remove animation of WebChat in bubble view.
  3. Zooming of chat bug was fixed in mobile.
  4. Scroll hidden content bug was fixed in mobile.
  5. Fix overflow: clip to work only on the mobile version.
  6. Web chat position options were improved.
  7. The inability to use Flow builder has been fixed.
  8. Fixed a bug with time indicators in permanent WebChat.
  9. The scroll display bug in the input field has been fixed.
  10. Reduced the volume of the notification sound in WebChat.
  11. Improvements for CoSupport integration: API url & integrator_uuid.
  12. CoSupport: added new file types & config refactoring.
  13. Fixed a bug with the end of the user session.