How to add Quidget to your Squarespace site


Integrating Quidget with your Squarespace site is quick. By adding the chatbot’s embed code to the footer section, it will appear across all your website pages.

Copy your Quidget code

In your chatbot sidebar menu, go to the Test & Install page and copy the provided code snippet.

Adding Quidget to Squarespace

  1. Log in to your Squarespace dashboard.
  2. Click Edit in the top-left corner.
  3. Scroll down and click Edit Footer.
  4. Click the Add Block button in the corner.
  5. Choose Embed from the available options.
  6. Open the Embed Block section and select Code Snippet.
  7. Paste your Quidget code.
  8. Save your changes, then click Done.

Disabling the chatbot

To temporarily disable the chatbot without removing its code:

  1. Go to the Test & Install page in your chatbot sidebar menu.
  2. Toggle the switch above the chat preview to the off position.
  3. This keeps the code intact while preventing the chatbot from displaying.